Whether youre posting campaigns, publishing coupons, messaging with customers, or managing contact lists – you can do it all with our free mobile app.
List your businesses on Nearlist. Visually represent your team, business hours, locations, and post your latest news, promotions, and events.
Easily deliver your latest news, promotions, and events to your customers news feeds. It takes less than a minute to post and deliver a new campaign.
Publish a range of different types of digital coupons to nearby customers. Customers can clip your coupons to redeem them right away, or save them for later.
Let customers easily communicate with you, whether they want to inquire about promotions, coordinate purchases, or schedule appointments.
Put your customer contacts all in one place to help you stay in touch. Send and receive connection requests and maintain profile pages for each contact.
Your business profiles and campaigns are automatically published to our online directory. This helps people discover your business through search.
Top posts are included in weekly digest emails which go to the entire Nearlist community in your city. Its a great way to expand your local audience.